You’ll Never Hear Me Cry In The Dark: A Poem

2 min readMay 30, 2022

You’ll never hear me cry in the dark

When the lamps flicker out

And the sky is all but empty

When the city is only lit

With grey clouds of dust and ash

And the shadow of the fire that started it all

You’ll never see my heart

When I let my guard down

Only ever truly beautiful

When it breaks into a thousand pieces

You’ll never hear me weep

For the love I have felt and forgotten

For the grief I will never be able to put into words

For all the apologies that I should have said before

For all the words that killed me to say

And for all the words that killed me to keep in

You may never know the side of me

That I know you wish existed

But I always kept it hidden from you

And I probably always will

Because I couldn’t stand the idea

Of someone else knowing me better

Than I know myself

You may never know the part of me

That creates my art
And chases my dreams

Because I don’t have the strength to do that on my own

But someday

If you know me well enough by then

You may see a glimpse

Of the side of me

That makes and breaks my promises

The side of me that wants to say sorry

But never will

But you’ll never hear me cry in the dark

Because my misery has no present, past, or future

And there is no moving on,

There is no moving forward

There is nothing but a single path

Leading me back and forth through time itself

And slowly but surely

Bringing me to you

-Ashni Singh

