The Time We Take Up

1 min readMay 30, 2022

Crumbling walls

Turned slick with rain,

Tears from the sky leak through the open window.

And drop on the pages of the Oxford dictionary

That you hold in your hand

As you gag down the bitter taste of poorly made coffee.

Handpicked, sent from a thousand miles away,

Only to be hastily dumped in a porcelain cup,

Stirred with lukewarm water, and sipped throughout the night.

The taste an eternal reminder of the bittersweet despair

That comes with excellence, and never leaves.

Even when your life has wasted away

And all that is left of you is your shadow.

You smile, simply because there is nothing else to do

And when you look up, you see Time.

All the time you had taken and lost

Is standing in front of you.

Tired of waiting, tired of standing still,

It holds out its hand.

You take it, leaving the coffee

And the dictionary.

You leave everything in that old mansion

That you never quite considered a home.

You leave it to be found and observed by historians

In a hundred years.

Because Time is cruel, but it is also forgiving

And never leaves anything or anyone behind.

This time, your smile is genuine

As you let go of everything

And allow yourself to be hollow, to be free.

To stop searching for forever,

And let yourself fall-

Never to be seen


